Hi-ya, and welcome to Gillysplot. Why dont you take a few minites and have a look around at how far I have gotten and how much work I have done in the last 1 and a half years.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Update 2, 21-8-07

I will be takeing some photo's of my Hubby's plot at the weekend. Then you can all see how far he's gotten on it.

Update 21-8-07

Blackberry are doing great this year.
Logonberrys are doing really well, this is the 10 picking so far.
Tomato's are ok, a few have had the blite though. Had to burn them.

Here are the latest photos from my plot. Hope you are all doing as well as we are. The only things that are not growing well are the colly"s, going to seed again this year to. This is my very first parsnip. wow what a funny shape!!!!!
These are some of my french runner beans. When I say some, I have had loads so far and they are still growing. Not bad ah, only on 14 plants and had about 30lbs worth of beans.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

update 8-August_07

Hi all, just to let you know I will be taleing some pic's at the weekend and video and then you will see how far they have grown.