Hi-ya, and welcome to Gillysplot. Why dont you take a few minites and have a look around at how far I have gotten and how much work I have done in the last 1 and a half years.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Hi, I went to my allotment on Sunday to see if all was ok. It wasn't. Someone had stolen one of my pieces of glass out of my greenhouse, or so I thought when I saw it. I went back today as all I had over the place where the glass was, was a peice of black bag linning. I found the glass it was on the floor at the back of the greenhouse it must have been the bad winds we have had lately. Must have blown it out. How I dont no. I had to put a piece of hard plastic over the gap to stop the cold wind killing my veg I am growing in there. It will have to do untill I can get another piece of glass fitted.

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