Hi-ya, and welcome to Gillysplot. Why dont you take a few minites and have a look around at how far I have gotten and how much work I have done in the last 1 and a half years.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

update 30.4.07

Put in my tomato plants today. I put out 32 plants, I have 14 plants inside my small greenhouse, we eat a lot of tomato's.
Tomorrow I will be put out my parsnips, I dont quite know when to put my beans out, but I am waitting for them to get a little bigger first then I will put them outside, once the frost has gone.

I have started an allotment blog for the allotments where I am. If you would like to have a look then click the link below.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tomato box update

Hi all,
Just to tell you all that I put my tomato's into the box's that I made in my small greenhouse on Sunday. They are taking very well to. They are now 2 hands high. One also has 1 little flower on it.
Good a.
I will take a photo next Sunday and you can take a look.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Update 22-4-07

went to allotment today and put in my tomato's in the small greenhouse into the new box bed that I made. I got 14 plants in with loads of space in between each one.
They look great, healthy too. I will take a photo next time I am up there and then you can see what I mean.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tomato box.

Hi, today I went to my allotment carrying 3 bits of wood, very big bits of wood.
The bus driver would not let me on the bus so I asked a friend to drop me off at the allotment instead. He did.
It took me around 1 hour to put the box together in side my small greenhouse.
All I have to do now is fill it with compost that I made last year and a little bit of hard sand and small stones for drainage, then I can put in my tomato's. I will be able to get between 18 to 20 plants in it.
We eat a lot of tomato's. I have 37 plants out of 40 seeds put in. Not bad ah.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Update 14-4-07.

Hi all, here are the photos I said I would take to let you all see how things are getting on. I have onions and garlic in. Peas and spuds in. Broad beans and Beetroot in.
Doing well I think.

Friday, April 13, 2007


I hope you all like my new blog layout. I like it a lot better now.


I will be taking some photo's on Sunday and then you can all see what has been happening since the last time I put the photo's on.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

UPDATE 13-4-07

I have at last remembered my login details.

I have at last finished all of my rasied beds and they are all up and runing.

The purple sprouting that I planted last year, we are eating now. Its wonderfull. But it takes 1 year to grow. A very long time to wait for it. I dont know if I will be putting it in again this year.

Here is a photo of the purple sprouting, see what you think.