Hi-ya, and welcome to Gillysplot. Why dont you take a few minites and have a look around at how far I have gotten and how much work I have done in the last 1 and a half years.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Just to let you all know that I will be taking some pic's on Sunday and I will post them so all of you can take a look see.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

update 10-10-07

Just to let you all know that I am still digging hard and enjoying it to.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

update 23-9-07

Here are some of the photo's of the things I have grown this year. What do you think of my pumpkin? Good ah.

This is a lovely photo of a poppy I had growing in the middle of my potatoes. My very first parsnip. Not the right shape but tasted great al the same.
My hubby haveing a rest after do all the digging on one side of his new plot. Took him nealy 4 hours, he was tied, very tied.

What do you think of my rasid bed? I call it my coffin box. Going to use it for the potatoes next year.

This is my purple sprouting, comeing on great. Going to have a lot next year. Good job we are getting a new frezzer, the one we have now is full of the veg from the allotment and we cant get anything else in it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Update 2, 21-8-07

I will be takeing some photo's of my Hubby's plot at the weekend. Then you can all see how far he's gotten on it.

Update 21-8-07

Blackberry are doing great this year.
Logonberrys are doing really well, this is the 10 picking so far.
Tomato's are ok, a few have had the blite though. Had to burn them.

Here are the latest photos from my plot. Hope you are all doing as well as we are. The only things that are not growing well are the colly"s, going to seed again this year to. This is my very first parsnip. wow what a funny shape!!!!!
These are some of my french runner beans. When I say some, I have had loads so far and they are still growing. Not bad ah, only on 14 plants and had about 30lbs worth of beans.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

update 8-August_07

Hi all, just to let you know I will be taleing some pic's at the weekend and video and then you will see how far they have grown.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Update 7.6.07

Hi all, just to let you all know that I have now gotten myself a new camera and will be uploading some pic's as soon as the blog page lets me. At the moment it will not let me upload them, dont know why.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

update 17-06-07

Hi everyone.
Just a few lines to tell you all that it might be a long while before you get any more photos from me as we were broken into and they took my camera along with other items. So untill I can get another one there will be no more pic's. Pigs why dont they get a job like every one else.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


We took on a 2nd plot this week. It wasnt too bad. A woman had it for about 1 week before she had to give it up. Her father died and she said it was only for him. Its a shame realy.

Here are a few pics. See what you think.


These photos are of my asparagus peas if thats how you spell it, my apple tree,cherry tree,my cabbage, my surply of comfry and my flower box which holds my wild flower seeds. I dont know what flowers they will be but they will bring in a little colour.

update 3/30.05.07

New photo's 30.5.07

This is a pic of the carrots that I am growing inside a dustbin. And these are my parsnips.

Update 30.5.2007

Here is my sprouts and just look at my spuds.

Here are my broad beans and the other pic is of my peas.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

My hubby and my son.

Here is my son Joshua playing a trick on his father.
and here is a nice photo of them both.
and here Joshua just before he falls asleep.
Sorry I did the writting with the photos but it posted in the wrong places. But you will all know what photos go with what drafts.

update 6.5.07

Here are the asparagus peas that someone gave me to try to grow and see what they were like.
Here is my popcorn and the leeks Gilbert give me. It is popcorn and not sweatcorn by the way.

Here are some of my tomato plants.
Here are my potatoes.

Here are my turnips and potatoes.

And here are my french beans.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

update 30.4.07

Put in my tomato plants today. I put out 32 plants, I have 14 plants inside my small greenhouse, we eat a lot of tomato's.
Tomorrow I will be put out my parsnips, I dont quite know when to put my beans out, but I am waitting for them to get a little bigger first then I will put them outside, once the frost has gone.

I have started an allotment blog for the allotments where I am. If you would like to have a look then click the link below.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tomato box update

Hi all,
Just to tell you all that I put my tomato's into the box's that I made in my small greenhouse on Sunday. They are taking very well to. They are now 2 hands high. One also has 1 little flower on it.
Good a.
I will take a photo next Sunday and you can take a look.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Update 22-4-07

went to allotment today and put in my tomato's in the small greenhouse into the new box bed that I made. I got 14 plants in with loads of space in between each one.
They look great, healthy too. I will take a photo next time I am up there and then you can see what I mean.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tomato box.

Hi, today I went to my allotment carrying 3 bits of wood, very big bits of wood.
The bus driver would not let me on the bus so I asked a friend to drop me off at the allotment instead. He did.
It took me around 1 hour to put the box together in side my small greenhouse.
All I have to do now is fill it with compost that I made last year and a little bit of hard sand and small stones for drainage, then I can put in my tomato's. I will be able to get between 18 to 20 plants in it.
We eat a lot of tomato's. I have 37 plants out of 40 seeds put in. Not bad ah.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Update 14-4-07.

Hi all, here are the photos I said I would take to let you all see how things are getting on. I have onions and garlic in. Peas and spuds in. Broad beans and Beetroot in.
Doing well I think.

Friday, April 13, 2007


I hope you all like my new blog layout. I like it a lot better now.


I will be taking some photo's on Sunday and then you can all see what has been happening since the last time I put the photo's on.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

UPDATE 13-4-07

I have at last remembered my login details.

I have at last finished all of my rasied beds and they are all up and runing.

The purple sprouting that I planted last year, we are eating now. Its wonderfull. But it takes 1 year to grow. A very long time to wait for it. I dont know if I will be putting it in again this year.

Here is a photo of the purple sprouting, see what you think.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

update 30.01.07

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a lovly xmas.
Sorry I have not posted in a long time.

I put in my spinich,spring onions and some broad beans in my greenhouse last Sunday.
I'll tell you why!
I watched this woman on TV last Friday and she was putting in hers. She said she does it every year at this time and then lets them grow in the greenhouse untill its time to put them out and she always gets a great crop of veg.
So I thought I would give it a go and see what happens.
Does anyone do that?
I cant wait to see what happens. I will post pic's and let you all see what it turns out like.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Hi, I went to my allotment on Sunday to see if all was ok. It wasn't. Someone had stolen one of my pieces of glass out of my greenhouse, or so I thought when I saw it. I went back today as all I had over the place where the glass was, was a peice of black bag linning. I found the glass it was on the floor at the back of the greenhouse it must have been the bad winds we have had lately. Must have blown it out. How I dont no. I had to put a piece of hard plastic over the gap to stop the cold wind killing my veg I am growing in there. It will have to do untill I can get another piece of glass fitted.